Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Road Trip to Santa Fe

Over the weekend we decided to take Claire on her first road trip. On Friday evening near bedtime we headed out on a 6 hour drive to see Uncle John in Santa Fe. On Saturday morning we headed out to visit Bandelier National Monument to see how the ancestral Pueblo people lived. Dave did a great job navigating through the caves with Claire in the backpack. Here are some of the photos of us trying out the cave living.
We then headed back into Las Alamos "the town that never was" to have lunch at the park where John enjoys most of his lunch breaks, before taking in the local museum.
In the evening John took us to the Plaza so that we could wander around like proper tourist. On Sunday we drove up Canyon Road to check out the galleries and then returned to the Plaza to check out the SWAIA Indian Market. Claire enjoyed watching one of the performances, and we enjoyed some roasted corn on the cob.

As we were packing up to leave Claire surprise us all with something new- saying ma ma. This was a big surprise as we have not yet heard da da, so it took us a couple of times hearing it before we believed it. She has been using it quite a lot since then so we know that we are not imagining it!

Monday, August 16, 2010


During our trip to New England Claire really refined her crawling and even began to pull up on items (Thanks Brandon for teaching Claire this trick). It has been fun to watch her figure it all and to see how quickly she manages to get around now! Long gone are the days when she would stay near where you set her down for a minute. She has proven herself to be curious and so we are trying to child proof the house so that she can only get into a little bit of trouble. Here are some videos of her new tricks and a video of her new ride!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Broncos Training Camp

To kick off the football season we took Claire to the Denver Broncos open practice at Invesco Field. She seemed to enjoy all the action and is looking forward to great seasons for both the Broncos and the Patriots!