For a while now Claire has used several signs to help guide us towards what she wants, including milk, food, more, all done, hi/bye, eat, dog, and pacifier. Recently however she decided to throw actual words into the mix. The first word that she used to correctly identify something (vs just babbling on like she did with mama and dada) was banana. At first we thought it was a fluke, but again and again if you showed her a banana she would say it. Obviously we were both sad that Mama and Dada were not the first words that she matched up with the real thing, but they came soon after as did Hi, Bye, Dog, Ball and Eye. We are working on more and milk as she has a version of the word, just not quite the whole thing. It has been amazing to watch her take off and for now we are grateful that she hasn't started with the no's. Now if only we could get some teeth.
Here are some more recent photos of Claire taken this week. We'll get some videos up soon.