Thursday, December 6, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things....

An Interview with Claire at age 3:
What is your Favorite Color: Purple and Pink
What is your FavoriteToy : I love cups
What is your Favorite Fruit: I love all the fruit
What is your Favorite TV Show: Gymnastics and Wild Animal Babies
What is your Favorite Movie: Toy Story 3
What is your Favorite Outfit: Leotard
What is your Favorite Stuffed Animal: Skip the bunny (from Wild Animal Babies)
What is your Favorite Song: Wild Animal Babies Song
What is your Favorite Book: Gymnastics Book (The Fierce 5 Book)
What is your Favorite Snack: Gummies (Annie's Fruit Snacks)
What is your Favorite Drink: Milk and Water
What is your Favorite Breakfast: Pancakes
What is your Favorite Lunch: Macaroni and Cheese and Grapes
What is your Favorite Dinner: Grapes, Strawberry and Salad
What is your Favorite Sport: Gymnastics
What is your Favorite thing to do outside: Play and blow bubbles
What is your Favorite Holiday: Halloween
What is your Favorite thing to sleep with: Animal Babies and blanket
What do you want to be when you grow up: A big gymnast
Who is your best friend: Tyler

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Claire has continued with her gymnastic class and seems to be loving it more and more each day. Each day the first thing that she does when she comes home from school is to put on one of her leotards and perform her floor and beam routines pretending to be Gabby, Ali or Jordan. Here is a quick video we shot of her monkeying around at the bars during a recent class. (Sorry that we have to turn your head sideways).

Claire's 3rd Birthday Party

This year we held Claire's birthday party at her gymnastic club- Peak. Claire and her 15 friends had a blast playing in the foam pit, swinging on the rope, dropping from the bar and jumping on the trampoline. We appreciate everyone coming to celebrate with Claire!